Monday, December 5, 2011

Learn to say NO

Mungkin gue termasuk tipe orang yang selalu berusaha nyenengin semua orang. Dan pada akhirnya menjerumuskan gue pada kerjaan dan aktivitas yang ga jelas. 
One day, my friend told me to try say 'no' when people ask something to me.  It seems that I too impose my self to satisfy people.
The fact is.. I just  do not wanna disappoint them and try to keep my every word. 
There is no other reason, actually. 

I do not wanna be disappointed so I try to not to disappoint people. Just that simple. 
Sama aja kayak..gue ga mau dicubit..jadi gue berusaha untuk ga nyubit. 

Although, in fact I am the person who being disappointed by people. *ga sesuram itu la..tapi y lumayan suram*  But I try to keep my word. 
People can be trust by his word and work.  

And finally.. I decide to say no. To people. To them. it's not easy as it seems. And honestly, it's hurting me inside.
I started from the most hard. Start from it. 
and yeah.. it's hurt.

Still learn about life. And always try lo live it.

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