Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good bye 2012, Welcome 2013

Maaf untuk tidak menyapa kalian beberapa waktu ini. 

Bukan maksud saya meninggalkan blog ga penting ini. Tapi waktu saya benar-benar tersita dengan segala kesibukan pekerjaan (sok banget, padahal cuma jadi kacung di kantor), persiapan Natal (yang mana ternyata saya juga tidak ikut apa-apa, hanya jadi - sekali lagi - kacung), dan kesibukan organisasi (sama juga, jadi kacung) dan .. (ini bikin excited banget) surprise for Grandma.

Last 4 months, I learn to work in an office factory. I've learned a lot there. About how to work, how face people when we do not want to, how to always ready when bos calls you. and of course how about life. 

First, I wanna say Merry Christmas 2012 and Happy New Year 2013! (so late!) hahaha
Wish this year going to be nice and everythings in HIS blessing. 

Cukup basa basinya.

Pertama, - kok pertama lagi ya? Suka-suka saya, ini kan blog saya. Kalo ga suka, pindah aja ke blog sebelah *nyoloters* hahaha. 
Tentang pekerjaan.
Dimulai di bulan 10. Sebagai salah 1 kacung di sana. Belajar kerja dengan -yang orang bilang - office hour dan belajar jadi bawahan. It's a good experience. Knowing that life is not about play and play. Haha.. You have to work if you want to have money. Even for me, ya ga sepadan lah. Office hour memang mengikat dan di beberapa tempat kerja, tidak memberikan hasil yang sepadan untuk pekerjanya. Oke, mungkin karena saya masuk di bagian kacung ya.. Jadi terasa agak tidak seimbang. Terlebih dengan pengeluaran yang gila-gilaan pada bulan-bulan itu. Hahaha
Ruangan saya isinya hanya beberapa gelintir orang yang lumayan menyenangkan. At list, kalo lo ga macem-macem, lo aman. Tapi yaa kalo macem-macem, habislah kau. Bukan dalam arti dibunuh ato apa, cuma diomongin aja. One of my bestfriend say it's a real life.
I have a good mentor and seniors there. Even the bos lil'bit cuek but it's OK la. For a person who have difficulties to have a friend, I make it OK. *I think* haha.Try to assimilate with people there and knowing their character. Nice lah. Haha 
But it's not going for a long time. Cause I have to concentrate to another event, so ya.. saya mengundurkan diri dengan baik.
Anw, my senior is going to another job too. Wish you have a nice n success life n career (: Thanks for being a good mentor ya. Hahahaha

I noted this session as a good lesson and having a very nice mentor n senior.

Senior take this pic using My Stuff. LOL

Kedua, kesibukan Natal yang akhirnya sama sekali tidak terangani dengan baik dan berakibat sangat fatal. Dengan banyaknya celebration yang diadain, saya agak sedikit kebingungan. Lucky me, I got a lot of support from my community. They are ROCK! I love my community! haha
And thanks GOD, I have a chance to go to big city in Sumatera for another Christmas Celebration. And I really inspired from it. They are perfect in preparation and execute. I have to learn from them. Kekaburan saya terbayarkan. They are inspiring!
Host in Sumatera Big City *tak ada saya dalam foto ini*

I notes this session as never stop get inspired, anywhere, anytime.

Ketiga, organisasi. Tiap tahun, kita punya event besar dengan ratusan peserta dan persiapan yang cukup lama. And for 2013, we start the preparation exactly after the 2012 event finish. The preparation is on working till now. Wish it'll be a great event ya (:
Ga bisa cerita banyak-banyak karena masi dikerjain dengan seksama dan hati-hati. hahaha
2012 event. Tak ada saya juga dalam foto ini

I noted this session as preparation is important. No matter the result is. Nice preparation nice result. *finger crossed*

Keempat,Grandma bday! It's one of my motivated to have my own money. I wanna give her something for her bday. Ga aneh-aneh sih, cuma snack kecil aja. But it is really nice to see her smile. Cuma bisa ketemu beberapa menit aja, lunch bareng. It's enough for me (':
Anw, she called me today and say thanks for the stupid little snack. Gosh! Happy knowing that she like it and proud of me. (':

Grandma *she is 78 years old* 

And I noted this session as family is everything. Grandma, love you *BIGHUG*

And that's all my introduction for 2013. 
There will be another story this year. Be patient ya :P

For you who are new on my blog, please kindly to visit another page too. 
Nothing important on it, but wish you can learn about something after you read it. 

Life is all about the process.
When you enjoy the process, there will be great result.

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